
  • EI核心期刊

北京邮电大学学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 134-138.doi: 10.13190/jbupt.201006.134.liuy

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    



  1. 1.泛网无线通信教育部重点实验室(北京邮电大学), 北京 100876; 2.中国科学院 微电子研究所, 北京 100029
  • 收稿日期:2009-12-27 修回日期:2010-09-06 出版日期:2010-12-28 发布日期:2011-01-07
  • 通讯作者: 刘洋 E-mail:liuyangbupt@gmail.com
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然科学基金项目(60976022); 国家科技重大专项项目(2009ZX0300700203); 教育部博士学科点新教师基金项目(20090005120002)

A Macro Diversity Strategy Based on HighDimensionFullRate STBC

  • Received:2009-12-27 Revised:2010-09-06 Online:2010-12-28 Published:2011-01-07
  • Contact: Yang LIU E-mail:liuyangbupt@gmail.com


为了适应宏分集传输中高天线数的要求,提出一种高维度满速率的空时编码方案. 这种高维度编码可以达到满速率传输,且其最大似然译码复杂度可控,只需对(发射天线数/2)个实数符号联合最大似然译码. 对该编码的等效信道相关矩阵进行分析后得出结论:等效信道右奇异矩阵为常数矩阵. 提出一种具有单符号线性译码复杂度的无反馈要求的预处理传输机制,使译码复杂度大大降低. 仿真结果表明,相比于最小译码复杂度编码以及其他宏分集传输方案,如循环延迟分集,高维度满速率编码方案的性能有一定提升.

关键词: 宏分集, 空时分组码, 常奇异矩阵


For supporting large number of transmit antennas in macro diversity transmissions, a highdimensionfullrate (HDFR) quasiorthogonal spacetime block code (QOSTBC) is proposed. The new code operates at full rate, and the maximum likelihood decoding complexity is controllable. The equivalent channel matrix of this code is analyzed. It is concluded that the eigenvectors are constant and independent from the real channel realization. Furthermore, a new preprocessing transmission strategy with singlesymbol linear decoding complexity is given by exploiting the revealed characteristic of HDFR QOSTBC. Simulation shows that the proposed strategy is of more advantage for macro diversity comparing with minimum decoding complexity code and cyclic delay diversity.

Key words: macro diversity, space time block code, constant eigenvectors
