
  • EI核心期刊


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  1. 重庆邮电大学
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-28 修回日期:2023-12-25 发布日期:2024-07-18
  • 通讯作者: 黄宏程

Multi-party Human-computer Active Dialogue Strategy Based On Knowledge Enhancement

  • Received:2023-11-28 Revised:2023-12-25 Published:2024-07-18
  • Contact: Hong-Cheng Huang

摘要: 针对现有多方人机对话系统容易忽略在对话过程中可能被遗忘的发言者,导致用户交互主动性不强、用户对话体验感差的问题。本文提出一种基于知识增强的多方人机主动对话策略,该策略借助知识图谱作为外部知识,学习对话中可能被遗忘的特定个体偏好,并结合当前群体对话需求设计个性化回复策略,促进个体主动参与群体对话。首先,使用图注意力机制学习特定个体的兴趣实体表征,并引入时间权重聚合得到个体深层次偏好表示;然后,沿着当前对话主题知识子图路径触发多条邻居集合,主动捕捉个体的高阶个性化兴趣主题;最后,通过在语义层面分析当前群体对话语境和需求,评估群体对候选主题的满意度,得到既满足个体偏好又能照顾群体感受的最优对话主题。实验结果表明,融合外部知识和关注特定说话人的多方人机对话系统能有效提升其响应内容丰富度和参与者交互满意度,推动多方对话持续进行。

关键词: 人机交互, 多方对话, 对话策略, 知识图谱

Abstract: In view of the existing multi-party human-computer dialogue system, it is easy to ignore the speakers who may be forgotten in the dialogue process, resulting in weak user interaction initiative and poor user dialogue experience. This paper proposes a multi-party human-computer active dialogue strategy based on knowledge enhancement. By using the knowledge graph as external knowledge, the strategy learns the preferences of specific individuals who may be forgotten in the dialogue, and designs a personalized response strategy combining with the current group dialogue needs to actively promote the participation of individuals and groups in the dialogue. Firstly, the graph attention mechanism is used to learn the representation of specific individuals’ interest entities, and the deep preference representation of individuals is obtained by introducing time weight aggregation. Then, multiple neighbor sets are triggered along the path of the current dialogue topic knowledge subgraph to actively capture the high-level personalized interest topics of individuals. Finally, by analyzing the current context and needs of group dialogue at the semantic level, the group's satisfaction with the candidate topics is assessed, and the optimal dialogue topics that can meet individual preferences and take care of group feelings are obtained. The experimental results show that the multi-party human-computer dialogue system that integrates external knowledge and focuses on specific speakers can effectively improve the content richness of response and participant interaction satisfaction, and promote the continuous multi-party dialogue.

Key words: Human-computer interaction, Multi-party interaction, Dialogue strategy, Knowledge graph
