
  • EI核心期刊


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  1. 1. 安徽继远软件有限公司
    2. 国网经济技术研究院有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-30 修回日期:2024-05-23 发布日期:2024-06-25
  • 通讯作者: 罗义钊
  • 基金资助:

A Lightweight and Controllable Routing Mechanism for Satellite Network

  • Received:2024-03-30 Revised:2024-05-23 Published:2024-06-25

摘要: 卫星网络由于资源受限和性能羸弱,难以有效承载高可靠、低延迟的工控业务流(如电网多源勘测和设备控制等)。从多业务区分调度的角度出发,提出了一种 “回避式”的轻量化高可控星间分段路由选路机制(Avoidance Segment Routing,AVSR):首先,利用快照技术或星间分布式路由协议获取全网拓扑信息。其次,根据原开放路径最短优先(SPF,Shortest Path First)路径中的风险节点分布特征,计算高优先级路径。若风险节点呈聚集分布,则将其视为连续风险区,调整链路权重绕开这些区域。若风险节点呈散列分布,则以其为断点,将原SPF路径切割为若干路径段,随后重新绕路连通。最后,采用IPv6段路由(SRv6,Segment Routing over IPv6)技术精确指定路径。鉴于星间的带宽有限,快照方式的拓扑动静转换计算量较大,还设计了适配不同拓扑特征的轻量化段路由扩展头(SRH,Segment Routing Header)压缩算法,通过与原始SPF路径进行二分比对、扩大连通路径搜索范围等寻求更简洁节点压栈的方法,减少了计算开销及SRH的报头开销。实验表明,AVSE的SRH平均压缩率可达55%,平均占用内存总是不多于3.5MB。

关键词: 星间路由, 多路径路由, 可靠传输, 分段路由

Abstract: Due to limited resources and weak performance, satellite networks are difficult to effectively carry high-reliability, low-latency industrial control business flows (such as power grid multi-source survey and equipment control, etc.). From the perspective of multi-service differentiated scheduling, an "avoidance" lightweight and highly controllable inter-satellite segment routing mechanism (AVSR, Avoidance Segment Routing) is proposed: first, using snapshot technology or inter-satellite distributed routing The protocol obtains the topology information of the entire network. Secondly, the high-priority path is calculated based on the distribution characteristics of risk nodes in the original SPF (Shortest Path First) path. If risk nodes are clustered and distributed, they are regarded as continuous risk areas, and link weights are adjusted to avoid these areas. If the risk nodes are hashed, use them as breakpoints to cut the original SPF path into several path segments, and then reconnect them through detours. Finally, SRv6 (Segment Routing over IPv6) technology is used to accurately specify the path. In view of the limited inter-satellite bandwidth, the calculation amount of dynamic and static topology conversion in snapshot mode is large. We also designed a lightweight SRH (Segment Routing Header) compression algorithm that adapts to different topological characteristics. By bisecting it with the original SPF path Comparison, expanding the search range of connected paths, etc. seek simpler node stacking methods, which reduce the calculation overhead and SRH header overhead. Experiments show that the average compression rate of AVSE's SRH can reach 55%, and the average memory occupied is always no more than 3.5MB.

Key words: inter-satellite routing mechanism, multi-path routing, reliable transmission, segment routing
