
  • EI核心期刊


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  1. 1. 西工大
    2. 西北工业大学
    3. 长安大学
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-30 修回日期:2024-06-11 发布日期:2024-06-25
  • 通讯作者: 樊晔
  • 基金资助:

QoS Balancing and Interference Suppression for LEO Beam-hopping Satellite Networks

  • Received:2024-03-30 Revised:2024-06-11 Published:2024-06-25

摘要: 低轨卫星网络的通信业务分布不均匀,多颗卫星根据波束大小将地面区域划分为多个小区。现有研究重点关注星间流量均衡和频率分离,然而星间服务质量(quality of service, QoS)失衡和星间干扰问题随着通信需求激增和频谱资源紧张日益突出。因此,提出了一种频谱共享场景下的多颗低轨-跳波束(beam hopping, BH)卫星网络,通过星间服务质量(quality of service, QoS)均衡和干扰抑制提高了小区的QoS。不同业务类型(如视频、语音、物联网)的小区存在优先级差异,任何小区在一个BH时间窗内至少应有一个时隙服务。因此,提出了用于卫星间小区分簇的小区质量均衡(cell quality equalization, CQE)算法。该算法首先确定了一个损失函数来衡量卫星间服务的公平性,其次引入随机扰动增加小区分簇多样性,最后通过有限次迭代确定分簇结果。由于多颗卫星共享频谱时严重的星间干扰降低了小区的QoS,提出了动态干扰抑制(dynamic interference suppression, DIS)算法。该算法首先通过非线性调整发射功率抑制星间干扰,当调整功率无法有效抑制干扰时,进一步通过控制波束的接入来实施更强力的干扰抑制。仿真结果表明,与最大仰角算法相比,CQE算法减小了70%的星间QoS差距,实现了QoS均衡。与不抑制星间干扰的情况相比,DIS算法确保星间干扰始终低于干扰阈值,最终提高了QoS水平。在干扰阈值为-127dBW时,DIS算法提高了约一倍的QoS。

关键词: 低轨卫星, 跳波束技术, 干扰抑制, QoS均衡

Abstract: In the low earth orbit satellite (LEO) network, the communication services are unevenly distributed, and multiple satellites divide the terrestrial area into various cells according to the beam size. Existing research focuses on inter-satellite traffic balancing and frequency separation, but the problems of quality of service (QoS) imbalance and inter-satellite interference are becoming more and more prominent with the surge of demand and the shortage of spectrum. Thus, this paper proposes a multiple LEO-beam hopping (BH) satellite network in a spectrum-sharing scenario, it can enhance the quality of service (QoS) through inter-satellite QoS balancing and interference suppression. Cells with different types of services (e.g., video, voice, and IoT) have varying priority levels, and each cell should be allocated at least one-time slot in a BH time window. Therefore, we propose a cell quality equalization (CQE) algorithm to cluster inter-satellite cells. The algorithm initially defines a loss function to evaluate the fairness of inter-satellite service, then introduces random perturbation to increase the diversity of cell clusters, and finally determines the clustering result through a finite number of iterations. Since multiple satellites share the spectrum, severe inter-satellite interference diminishes cells' QoS. Therefore, we introduce a dynamic interference suppression (DIS) algorithm. The DIS algorithm first mitigates inter-satellite interference by nonlinearly adjusting transmit power, and it implements stronger interference suppression by controlling beam access when power adjustment fails to suppress the interference effectively. Compared with the maximum elevation angle algorithm, the CQE algorithm reduces the inter-satellite QoS gap by 70% and achieves QoS balancing. Compared with no interstellar interference suppression, the DIS algorithm ensures that the inter-satellite interference is always below the interference threshold, and it ultimately improves the QoS level. The DIS algorithm doubles the QoS at the interference threshold of -127 dBW.

Key words: LEO satellite, BH technology, interference suppression, QoS balancing
