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Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

  • EI核心期刊

Current Issue

  • Papers

    • A Protection Framework for Android Native Code Based on CFI
    • ZHANG Wen, LIU Wen-ling, LI Hui, CHEN Ze, NIU Shao-zhang
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 1-6,13. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-017
    • Abstract ( 439 )     HTML       
    • A native code reinforcement framework based on control-flow integrity (CFI), DroidCFI is proposed, to prevent native code of Android applications from core code extraction and malicious injection. This framework can extract the control-flow features of subroutine invocation process by static analysis, provide developers with a visual policy configuration view to set the reinforced points, generate the reinforcement code based on the CFI policy, and integrate the verification module into the target application. Then a CFI check is enforced during the run-time of the application to defend against the malicious attack. Experiments show that DroidCFI can provide secure protection to native code of applications by minimal performance overhead.
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    • Text Steganography Based on Image Caption
    • XUE Yi-ming, ZHOU Xue-jing, ZHOU Xiao-shi, NIU Shao-zhang, WEN Juan
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 7-13. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-032
    • Abstract ( 394 )     HTML       
    • Aiming at the problem of low embedding capacity and poor semantic coherence of text steganography, a text steganographic scheme based on neural image caption is proposed. An encode-decode structure with a combination of long short term memory and convolution neural network is used to model the joint probability distributions between image features and the descriptive sentences. Two methods with different sampling process are designed from the perspectives of sharing and non-sharing models. Experimental results show that the proposed model can achieve high embedding capacity and desirable text quality. This scheme belongs to "carrier-free" steganography and has good security.
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    • Effect of Seat Damper Bidirectional Ratio on Impact Dynamic Behaviors of Human-Seat for Logistic Vehicles
    • ZHAO Lei-lei, YU Yue-wei, ZHOU Chang-cheng, YANG Fu-xing
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 14-19. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-051
    • Abstract ( 321 )     HTML       
    • To ascertain the damper bidirectional ratio effect on the impact dynamic behavior of the human-seat system, the most widely used X-type seat is taken as the research object. Based on the measured data by the damper bench, the damper damping characteristic of the seat is simplified as an asymmetric piecewise linear function. A nonlinear dynamic model for the human-seat was proposed and its equation was created and validated by seat test. Based on the model and the equation, taking a typical pulse with different intensity as inputs, numerical simulations were carried out under different bidirectional ratios. It is shown that when the seat damper bidirectional ratio is larger than 1, it becomes more conducive to attenuate the impact on drivers, and the greater the impact input intensity is, the better the relative isolation effect is.
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    • Outage Characterization of Large-Scale Wireless Cooperative Networks Based on SWIPT
    • YAO Yuan-yuan, LI Xue-hua, HUANG Sai, ZHU Zheng-yu, XIANG Wei
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 20-25. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-057
    • Abstract ( 368 )     HTML       
    • The outage probability in a large-scale cooperative relaying system based on simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) is investigated. A relay-assisted cooperative transmission protocol is proposed in which the relays that can decode the signal from the sources and are located in a relaying area become the potential relays, and are dedicated to assist the information transmission from the sources to the receivers. The outage probability is analyzed and the comparison is made among the direct link, the relay-only link, and the cooperative link. Simulation results are provided to validate our theoretical analysis.
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    • Research on Downlink Energy Efficiency of Multi-Cell Massive Distributed Antenna System
    • LI Min-zheng, LI Yan-feng
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 26-33. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-021
    • Abstract ( 349 )     HTML       
    • In multi-cell massive distributed wireless communication system, the relationship between the optimal downlink energy efficiency (EE) and the number of remote access units (RAUs), the number of user antennas, the number of cells and the transmitting power of multiple cells is studied. First, according to the distance between RAU and user, the analytic formula of system throughput is derived. Then, the downlink EE optimization model is established based on the relationship between the actual power consumption parameters and the composite channel, which includes path loss, shadow fading and multipath fading. Finally, based on this, the relationship between the EE and some impact factors including the number of RAUs, the number of user antennas, the number of cells and the transmitting power is deduced, meanwhile the corresponding algorithm is proposed to maximize the EE. Theoretical analysis and simulation results verify that the correctness of the relationship between system EE and multiple related parameters, and the proposed system EE optimization algorithm also has the advantage of low iteration times.
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    • Least Squares Large Margin Twin Support Vector Machine
    • WU Qing, QI Shao-wei, SUN Kai-yue, ZANG Bo-yan, ZHAO Xiang
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 34-38. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2017-180
    • Abstract ( 464 )     HTML       
    • In order to overcome low accuracy and possible singularity of least squares twin support vector machine (LSTWSVM), a least squares large margin twin support vector machine (LSLMTSVM) is presented. The proposed algorithm improves generalization performance by introducing margin distribution to the optimization objective function of the LSTWSVM. Additionally, the structural risk minimization principle is implemented by adding the regularization term to the objective function which improves classification ability. Experimental results show that LSLMTSVM has better classification performance than the existing algorithm.
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    • Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Enhanced Energy Detection under Non-Identical Gaussian Background Noise
    • HUANG He, YUAN Chao-wei
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 39-44. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-071
    • Abstract ( 399 )     HTML       
    • In wireless communication scenarios, energy detection has disadvantage in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) wall and noise uncertainty. The article presents enhanced energy detection with cooperative spectrum sensing under non-identical Gaussian background noise in cognitive radio. Furthermore, the probability of detection and the probability of false alarm have been derived for enhanced energy detection under low SNR condition in cooperative spectrum sensing, and the number of optimized collaboration users has been deduced for the minimum total error rate. Theoretical analysis and numerical results show that proposed schemes have better detection performance than other energy detection plans for solving noise uncertainty problem.
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    • Optimal Scheme of Uplink Resource Allocation for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency in Massive Machine Type Communications with Power Control
    • XIE Xian-zhong, LI Jia, HUANG Qian, CHEN Jie
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 45-51. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-035
    • Abstract ( 488 )     HTML       
    • An optimal scheme of uplink resource allocation for ultra-reliable and low-latency (URLL) in massive machine type communications (mMTC) with power control is proposed. Considering time division duplexing (TDD) cellular networks, the reverse power control scheme of uplink transmission by using the distance measurement capability of multi-antenna TDD base station is designed and the link-based reliability function based on distance is derived. Further, the optimization model of uplink radio resources is built. Then the characteristic of the link reliability function is analyzed and an optimal transmission error probability algorithm based on golden section is proposed. Furthermore, an algorithm to minimize the total bandwidth required by the system is given. Multiple sub-channels may be assigned to each user, and the user selects the sub-channel by judging whether the channel gain exceeds the threshold. Finally, simulation experiments show the improvement of latency and reliability, as well as the performance advantages of total bandwidth, power consumption and so on.
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    • Improved Grey Neural Networks Prediction Method
    • XU Tong-le, WANG Ying-bo, MENG Xiang-chuan, SONG Ru-jun
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 52-57,64. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-072
    • Abstract ( 536 )     HTML       
    • During the process of calculation, the problem of GM(1,1) algorithm that used to solve the development factor and the gray affections can be influenced by the background value. The identifying parameters method of avoiding background value was proposed for calculation. The problem of low prediction accuracy caused by the background value of the selected steps or improper selection was solved. The problem of initial condition with fixed value can affect the prediction accuracy when using the GM(1,1) model predicts. The method of constructing the initial value with the variable weight was proposed. The impacts of the fixed initial value to the prediction accuracy was avoided. Aiming at the problem of single sample type of traditional grey neural network, a new combination forecasting model was proposed. To tackle the limitation of the traditional model to predict saturation line only rely on the data of history single sample type, and the prediction model of saturation line based on improving grey neural network is established. Through engineering verification, it is shown that the model effectively predict the change of the saturation line height in the short term.
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    • Multi-Relay Cooperative Adaptive Transmission Based on Rate-Compatible LDPC Codes
    • SU Hua-ling, HE Yu-cheng, ZHOU Lin
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 58-64. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-077
    • Abstract ( 359 )     HTML       
    • In order to adapt to dynamical channel conditions and improve the transmission reliability, rate-adaptive cooperative relay transmission schemes are investigated under multi-relay selection in combination with incremental redundancy hybrid automatic repeat request and rate-compatible low density parity check code (RC-LDPC). With respect to random and specific distributions of relay nodes, two different multi-relay selection protocols are proposed with deriving the expressions for the outage probability and throughput performances of the system. Both numerical and simulation results show that introducing a cooperation between the relays can significantly improve the system performance in both outage probability and throughput under the considered specific relay distribution.
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    • Charging Strategy of Multiple Charging Vehicles in WRSNs Based on K-PPER Algorithm
    • DONG Ying, CUI Meng-yao, LI Shi-yuan, WANG Yu-hou, DONG Hao
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 65-70,77. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-080
    • Abstract ( 598 )     HTML       
    • Mostly,the charging strategy in wireless rechargeable sensor networks (WRSNs) adopts single mobile charger, but it can't meet the requirements of network scale. The charging strategy of multiple charging vehicles based on K-means improvement periodic energy replenishment based on charging priority (K-PPER) is proposed. Firstly, the network is divided into clusters by adopting the K-means improvement algorithm. Then, the network is recharged in clusters unit. The node with charging request is added to the charging sequence of the belonging cluster. And each charging sequence is sorted by the node's charging priority. At last, the base station sends a mobile charger to the cluster and starts to charge according to the sequence. The experimental results show that the network utility is about 42% higher than K-means. The energy utility of K-PPER algorithm increases about 4% compared with distributed coordination local knowledge (DCLK) protocol, and increases about 18% compared with distributed coordination protocol.
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    • Delay-Aware 5G Network Slicing Node and Link Embedding Algorithm
    • TANG Lun, YANG Heng, ZHAO Guo-fan, WANG Yao-wei, CHEN Qian-bin
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 71-77. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-018
    • Abstract ( 461 )     HTML       
    • To optimize the resource scheduling while meeting the system delay requirement, the article proposes a delay-aware the fifth generation of mobile communications system (5G) network slicing node and link embedding algorithm in the process of 5G network slice embedding. The algorithm establishes a two-level queue dynamic scheduling model at the network functions virtualization management and orchestration and network functions virtualization servers. It realizes a current queue backlog in the system and carries on the dynamic scheduling, so that the system queue backlog is always maintained at the stable smaller value. The algorithm achieves the balance control between the embedding cost and the system delay by Lyapunov stochastic optimization method. The simulation results show that the algorithm can optimize the resource scheduling while satisfying the system delay requirement, and minimize 5G network slice embedding cost as well.
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    • Power-Aware Video QoE Optimization Strategy for Mobile Video Streaming
    • GE Zhi-hui, ZAHNG Xu-feng, SONG Ling, LI Tao-shen, LI Si-yue
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 78-82. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-015
    • Abstract ( 422 )     HTML       
    • In order to improve the quality of experience (QoE) of mobile streaming media application users, the power state QoE model (PSQM) based on remained power is proposed. The model parameters include remaining power, initial delay, pause event, and swithing event. Based on PSQM, the Power-aware Bitrate control strategy (PBCS) based on the remained power of the mobile device and the network environment is proposed, which avoids the problem that the client continuously requests high-quality video segments without considering the remained power of the device and affects the user QoE. PBCS can achieve the trade-off between video quality and power, and improve user QoE.
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    • A DNS Query Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Log Information
    • JI Xing, HUANG Tao, E Xin-hua, SUN Li
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 83-89. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-007
    • Abstract ( 559 )     HTML       
    • Point at the anomaly queries existing in domain name system (DNS), an anomaly detection algorithm based on DNS query logs is proposed to detect suspicious and abnormal internet protocol addresses (IP). First, multiple dimensions of information in the DNS logs are extracted to characterize the source IPs after analyzing the difference between normal DNS query behaviors and the abnormal ones. Secondly, the datasets are mapped to a three-dimensional space through dimensionality reduction, which is beneficial for intuitive visualization and rapid data analysis. Finally, clustering the source IPs and calculating the credibility of them to identify the abnormal ones. The experiment results show that this algorithm can not only observe the correlation characteristics of multi-dimensional datasets directly, but also identify the abnormal source IPs in the global and local aspects.
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    • Dynamic Deployment Algorithm for Service Function Chaining with QoS Guarantee
    • TANG Lun, ZHAO Pei-pei, ZHAO Guo-fan, CHEN Qian-bin
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 90-96. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-013
    • Abstract ( 497 )     HTML       
    • In the fifth generation of mobile communications system (5G), the deployment of service function chaining(SFC) is a critical issue over network function virtualization scenario. A model of SFC deployment forquality of service (QoS) requirements is proposed to solve the problem that the existing methods cannot achieve the optimization of end-to-end delay and reliability of SFC deployment simultaneously. A dynamic deployment algorithm for SFC with QoS guarantee is designed. The method evaluates the nodes based on the approach of PageRank through the perception of network topology and reliability, on the principles of load balancing and coordination with link mapping, the virtual network function(VNF) is mapped onto the substrate node with the highest comprehensive resource capacity which realzes the global optimization of delay and reliability in the VNF mapping phase. The shortest path of delay that meets the reliability requirements is selected for link mapping. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the end-to-end delay and ensure the reliability of SFC, as well as improve the request acceptance rate and resource utilization.
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    • Trajectory Privacy Protection Scheme Based on DTW Exchange Query
    • SONG Cheng, ZHANG Ya-dong, WANG Lei, LIU Zhi-zhong, CHAO Hao
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 97-102. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-046
    • Abstract ( 447 )     HTML       
    • In order to solve the problem of personal privacy information disclosure caused by aggressive reasoning of the trajectory data, based on dynamic time warping (DTW) exchange query, a trajectory privacy protection scheme is proposed. Through anonymizing the identities of user and candidates who request location-based service (LBS), and calculating the trajectory similarity between all candidates and the initiator within acertain period of time by using the DTW algorithm, then choosing the candidate with the optimal trajectory similarity to replace real user in requesting LBS, the real user privacy information about identity and location is effectively protected. Security analyses prove that this scheme not only satisfies the security characteristics such as privacy, anonymity, and unforgeability, but also can resist query service tracking attack. Simulation experiments show that the optimal trajectory similarity is significantly improved.
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    • A Pulsating Feedback-Based Two-Stage Switch Architecture
    • SHEN Zhi-jun, GAO Jing, GUO Yu-bo, BAI Yun-li, LI Hong-hui
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 110-114,136. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2017-249
    • Abstract ( 319 )     HTML       
    • To solve the time constraint of scheduling algorithm in the feedback-based two-stage switch architecture (FTSA), a new scheme called pulsating feedback-based two-stage switch architecture (PFTSA) is proposed, which transmits the required information back to the input port in a way of pulsating. The accurate data of target buffers can be obtained by the scheduling algorithm with a preprocessing scheme, so as to avoiding the cell conflicting and disordering. As compared to the existing schemes, PFTSA can not only simplify the switch architecture and procedure, but also improve the delay performance.
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    • Research on Parallelization of Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
    • YOU Si-qing, ZHOU Li, ZHAO Dong-jie, XUE Fei
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 115-122. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-028
    • Abstract ( 398 )     HTML       
    • In order to solve the computational performance bottleneck of the commonly used collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm, a parallel collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm RLPSO_KM_CF on Spark is proposed. Firstly, the reverse-learning and local-learning particle swarm optimization (RLPSO) algorithm is used to find the optimal solution of the particle swarm and the output clustering center is optimized. Then, the RLPSO_KM algorithm is used to cluster the user information. Finally, the traditional cooperative filtering recommendation algorithm is combined with the RLPSO_KM cluster to effectively recommend the target user. The experimental results show that the improved algorithm has a significant improvement in the recommended accuracy, and has a higher speedup and stability.
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    • Perormance Evaluation of IMT-2020 Cellular System on Millimeter Waves
    • MENG Xi, SUN Ying, LI Dan-yang, ZHOU Dong, YANG Da-cheng
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 123-128. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-171
    • Abstract ( 383 )     HTML       
    • 40.5~42.5 GHz is considered as a candidate of IMT-2020 bands by analysis current status of each country in Asia-Pacific region and IMT-2020 scenarios of related millimeter wave, both indoor hotspot and dense urban test environments are defined, based on massive multiple-input multiple-output beamforming. Meanwhile, coupling loss and signal to interference plus noise ratio distribution are applied to study channel characterizes of each test environment. Finally, introduced both average cell spectral efficiency and 5th percentile user spectrum efficiency evaluates each test environment; and their evaluated results meet defined requirements by ITU-R.
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    • Adaptive Data Sampling Rate Adjustment Based on Large Deviation Theory in Wireless Sensor Networks
    • LIU Zhe
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2018, 41(6): 129-136. DOI:10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-056
    • Abstract ( 277 )     HTML       
    • We consider the wireless senor network which is equipped with an energy harvesting device and a rechargeable battery, and the aim is to enable the sensor having the ability of adaptively adjusting the data sampling rate according to the available energy. Since the stochastic nature of the harvested energy, we define the energy deficiency probability for equivalently characterizing an information acquisition metric. We formulate the problem of adjusting data sampling rate as a constrained optimization problem, maximizing the data sampling rate while keeping the energy deficiency probability below a threshold. The classic large deviation theory is invoked for estimating the energy deficiency probability. Our experimental results verify that the algorithms proposed have the adaptation capability to accommodate both the energy-dynamics and the channel-dynamics for improving the information acquisition.
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