Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

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ACK Based Scheduling Algorithm for 1xEV-DV

YANG Hong-wen1, HU Man-li2, GUO Wen-bin1, YANG Da-cheng1   

  1. 1. Telecomm uni cati on Engineering School, Beijing Univ ersi t y of Pos ts and Telecommu ni cati on s, Beijing 100876, China;
    2. Bei jing Consul ting and Desig n Ins ti tu te of P& T, Bei jing 100035, China
  • Received:2004-05-28 Online:2004-05-28

Abstract: Based o n the st ro ng co rrela tion between the ARQ ( automatic repea t request) acknow ledg ement s ( ACK /N AK) a nd the fo rw ard cha nnel quali ty , a nov elscheduling scheme i s propo sed fo r 1xEV-DV forw ard packet data t raf fic. The proposed scheme schedules the forw ard packet da ta channel ( F-PDCH) o nly w ith the ACK /N AK feedbacks, the implicit channel quali ty info rmatio n feedback i s no mo rerequired. Compared to the conv entional desig n, the propo sed scheme replace the cha nnel quali ty informa tion feedback channel ( R-CQ ICH) with dense feedbacks on ARQ acknow ledge channel ( R-ACKCH) . The feedback is used for both Hy brid ARQ o peratio n and the multi-user packet scheduling. Simula tion resul ts indica te that , under the propo rtio nal fairness co nst raint s, the sy stem throughput wi th new alg orithm o utperforms the conv entiona l algo ri thm.

Key words: 1xEV-DV, scheduler, multi-user diversity, proportional fairness

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