
  • EI核心期刊


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  1. 1. 中国电子科学研究院
    2. 量子科技长三角产业创新中心
    3. 中国电科电子科学研究院
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-21 修回日期:2024-03-05 发布日期:2024-06-25
  • 通讯作者: 栾添
  • 基金资助:

Experimental System Research on Superconducting Qubits Based on Josephson Junctions

  • Received:2023-12-21 Revised:2024-03-05 Published:2024-06-25
  • Contact: Luan Tian

摘要: 超导量子比特体系具有相互作用可控、设计性强、相干时间较长等特点,具备集成上万个甚至更多量子比特的潜力,是目前实现实用量子算法和通用量子计算的重要技术路径之一。使用频率可调的transmon结构量子比特,设计制造了一种单链形式的二十比特量子芯片,采用定制化的低温环境控制系统以及低温同轴线缆组件,完成了所有量子比特的基本表征实验,超导量子比特的能量退相干时间T_1最高可达31.3微秒,相位退相干时间T_2^*最高可达22.8微秒;随机基准测试单比特门平均保真度可达99.85%,量子过程层析测量得到两比特CZ门保真度为97.5%,最后用单比特门与两比特CZ门操作演示了量子动力学模拟算法,成功观察到伊辛模型的动力学演化过程。

关键词: 量子计算、超导量子比特、量子芯片、量子算法

Abstract: The superconducting qubit system, characterized by controllable interactions, strong designability, and relatively long coherence times, holds the potential for integrating tens of thousands or more quantum bits (qubits). This makes it one of pivotal technological pathways for realizing practical quantum algorithms and general-purpose quantum computing. We design a single chain twenty qubits chip by using frequency adjustable transmon structure. We performed basic characterization experiments on all qubits using a customized low-temperature environment control system and low-temperature coaxial cable components, achieving a maximum energy decoherence time T_1 of 31.3 μs and a phase decoherence time T_2^* of 22.8 μs among all qubits. An average fidelity 99.85% of single-qubit gates was gained as determined by random benchmark testing. The two-qubit CZ gate calibration was also achieved, with a fidelity of 97.5% measured through quantum process tomography. Finally, we demonstrate a quantum dynamics simulation algorithm based on the operation of single-qubits gates and CZ gate, successfully observing the dynamical evolution of the Ising model.

Key words: quantum computing superconducting qubit quantum chip quantum algorithms
