
  • EI核心期刊

北京邮电大学学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 10-13.doi: 10.13190/jbupt.200901.10.yangb

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杨波 于宏毅 吕凌 冯强   

  1. 解放军信息工程大学信息工程学院 解放军信息工程大学信息工程学院 信息工程大学信息工程学院通信工程系
  • 收稿日期:2008-06-04 修回日期:2008-09-29 出版日期:2009-01-28 发布日期:2009-01-28
  • 通讯作者: 杨波

High Spectral Efficient Bi-Directional Successive Relaying Technique

  • Received:2008-06-04 Revised:2008-09-29 Online:2009-01-28 Published:2009-01-28


无线多跳网络中,为避免节点半双工工作模式导致的网络频谱效率(吞吐量)的损失,提出了一种基于物理层网络编码的双向连续中继技术(PNC-BSR. 该技术利用物理层网络编码及多个中继节点之间的协作传输,有效地提升了无线多跳网络的频谱效率. 研究结果表明,与传统中继策略及放大转发方式的双向吞吐量增强中继策略(AF BAT-relaying)相比,在高信噪比的情况下,PNC-BSR的网络吞吐量可分别提升300%100%. 该技术可充分、高效地利用网络资源.

关键词: 无线多跳网络, 双向中继, 频谱效率, 物理层网络编码


In wireless multi-hop networks, the nodes operate in half-duplex modes. This leads to a loss in spectral efficiency (throughput). A relaying method that increases the achievable throughput by applying physical network coding over bi-directional traffic flows is proposed to avoid this loss. Such a method is termed as Bi-directional Successive Relaying based on Physical Network Coding (PNC-BSR). While physical network coding significantly enhances the throughput performance of wireless multi-hop networks by embracing the wireless interference, this method will combine the cooperation among nodes and further improves network throughput. Experiments show that PNC-BSR offers a superior throughput performance under low noise levels.

Key words: wireless multi-hop network, bi-directional relaying, spectral efficiency, physical network coding