Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

  • EI核心期刊

JOURNAL OF BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF POSTS AND TELECOM ›› 2018, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 95-102.doi: 10.13190/j.jbupt.2017-057

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Evidence Combination Method Based on Singular Value and Falsity

XUE Da-wei1,2, WANG Yong2, GAO Kang-kai2   

  1. 1. School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Anhui Bengbu University, Anhui Bengbu 233030, China;
    2. School of Information Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China
  • Received:2017-04-14 Online:2018-02-28 Published:2018-01-04

Abstract: Most researchers think that modifying evidence source based methods are more reasonable to deal with the problem of conflicting evidence combination. However, most existing methods of modifying evidence source, which generally evaluate the evidence from single angle, have some deficiencies. To resolve such a problem, a new evidence combination method based on singular value and falsity is proposed. Firstly, conflict between two evidences is measured by the minimum singular value of the matrix composed of basic probability assignment (BPA) corresponding to two evidences, on the basis of which the definition of credibility of evidence is presented. Then, the weights which are used to average BPAs of evidences are produced by modifying the credibility with the falsity of evidences. Finally, the weighted average of BPAs is fused by Dempster's rule of combination. The numerical examples illustrate that the presented method can combine conflicting evidences effectively, and has faster convergence speed and better focusing degree than some existing methods.

Key words: evidence theory, evidence combination, evidence conflict, singular value, falsity

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