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Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

  • EI核心期刊

Current Issue

  • Papers

    • The Performance Model and Simulation on the Wireless Local Area Network
    • HUANGFU Wei 1,2 LEI Wen 1 SHENG Lingzhi 1,2 ZHOU Xinyun 1,2
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 1-5. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.1.178
    • Abstract ( 2678 )     HTML       
    • A stochastic service system model based on the media access control protocol is provided for the performance estimation, the layout optimization and the connection admission control algorithm design of the wireless local area network. The network performances for various numbers of stations and various traffic loads are obtained based on the model and queue theory. Furthermore, it is presented that the network performances will deteriorate seriously when the traffic exceeds the saturated threshold in the wireless network with numerous stations and thus it provides theoretically results for the connection admission control algorithm. The model and conclusions are verified by simulations.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Multi-greedy Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
    • Zhao Bao-hua, Zhang Wei, Li Jing, Qu Yu-gui, Liu Gui-ying
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 11-15. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.11.zhaobh
    • Abstract ( 2568 )     HTML       
    • On the basis of the twotiered structure wire
      less sensor networks (WSN), to slow down the power consumption, a new routing ap
      proach is proposed, using the main idea of multiple quoting energygreedy algor
      ithms to get the optimal path. As what the simulation performance results demons
      trate, the complexity of the new algorithm is much smaller than the infinite enu
      meration method and nearly the same as the greedy algorithm; meanwhile, it great
      ly reduces the average power consumption of the cluster heads and thus prolongs
      the network lifetime efficiently.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • An Integrated Service Discovery Framework with Semantic Support
    • BAI Dong-wei 1, 2, PENG Yong 1, CHEN Jun-liang 1
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 16-20. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.16.180
    • Abstract ( 2266 )     HTML       
    • With the development of convergence between te
      lecommunication and Internet, the number and the service components available fo
      r telecommunication service development have been greatly enlarged. In this case
      , it becomes important and challenging to find the services that meet users and
      developers’ requirements rapidly and precisely. An integrated service discovery
      framework with semantic support was proposed. Its discovery efficiency and expa
      nsibility by integrating the centralized UDDI (universal description, discovery,
      and integration) and decentralized WSIL(Web services inspection language) were
      improved by integrated service discovery framework, and its discovery precision
      by adding the semantic description to the service components and adopting the se
      mantic matchmaking was enhanced. By developing additional bindings in WSIL, othe
      r software component discovery methods, such as JNDI, etc. will be easily integr
      ated into the proposed discovery framework.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Design and Implement a Web Services Composition Framework Based on the Quality of Service
    • CHEN Yan-ping, LI Zeng-zhi, XIA Hong,ZHU Hai-ping
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 21-24. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.21.chenyp
    • Abstract ( 2523 )     HTML       
    • In order to provide composed Web services according to the quality of service (QoS) requirements of clients, firstly,an enhanced Web service description language (EWSDL) with rich QoS elements was proposed to describe the QoS properties of Web services based on the current Web service description language (WSDL), Secondly, a service composition management language (SCML) was also presented to management composition. Thirdly, a way to choose a proper service from the candidate services set was given based on the multi-object decision theory. Fourthly, an evolved Web service framework (E-WsFrame) was designed by adding a new role in the current Web service architecture. Finally, a prototype of E-WsFrame was implemented. Experiments show that the E-WsFrame can feasibly select and compose pre-existing Web services in terms of clients’ dynamic requirements at the run time.
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    • NGN management services modeling with multi-view
    • Yan Danfeng, Yang Fangchun
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 25-28. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.25.yandf
    • Abstract ( 2388 )     HTML       
    • The establishment of an available management services model to provide a solution of NGN (next generation network)management services’ openness is a challenging problem. Management services modeling with multi-view is presented to analyze NGN management services provision. The new and extended features and characteristics of NGN management services are defined and modeled from the operation view, the network view and the function view from the mentioned above. The operation view clears the relationship among multiple management services subscribers and providers. The network view creates four layers model including subscriber plan, service plan, function plan and physical plan. The function view describes execution, control, storage, management and interface to outside systems of management services. The given example shows that the models are valuable by mapping a service instance to multi-view model completely.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • OWL-based Model for Access Control of Ontology
    • WANG Xin, WU Yu-hong, ZHANG Gang-shan
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 29-33. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.29.wangx
    • Abstract ( 2225 )     HTML       
    • owadays the ontology in the semantic web lacks the access control mechanism, it causes the loss of privacy protection for the ontology and eventually damages the stability of semantic web. To guarantee the effective protection of the ontology, a new OWL-based model for access control is proposed. In this model, the access rules and the access control attributes are defined. The relations for the access control are set up. Features of this model are discussed in details to apply to the construction of the ontology and the ontology-based reasoning systems. It is shown that this new model can definitely demonstrate the relations for the access control and can be effectively used for the protection of the ontology. Moreover, with the flexibility and extensibility it owned, this new model also meets the increasingly complex requirements of the access control in the semantic web.
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    • NMS-EMS Ethernet Management Information Model and Its Application
    • WANG Ying, MENG Luo-ming, QIU Xue-song
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 34-38. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.34.wangy
    • Abstract ( 2442 )     HTML       
    • A network and network element combined view information model of Ethernet at interface between NMS (network management system) and EMS (element management system) is defined. The structure layer of Ethernet and the partitioning of Ethernet layer network based on VLAN (virtual local area network) are discussed with defining network view information model. The modeling of bridge functional entities is involved in the network element view information model. This model is applied in EPON(Ethernet passive optical networks) network management. In this application, the association mechanism between network view and network element view information is proposed. Besides, an interaction scenario of bandwidth assignment based on the information model is analyzed. The information model proposed here has been verified by a prototype management system. And the information model has also been accepted as ITU-T Recommendation Q.838.1.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A Multi-fault Recovery Survivability Mechanism for Optical Networks
    • Qu Hua, Li Zengzhi
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 39-42. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.39.quh
    • Abstract ( 2188 )     HTML       
    • From the viewpoint of user and operator, optic
      al networks are in dire need of fault tolerations, especially recovery from mult
      ifault. A multifault recovery survivability mechanism for optical networks w
      as presented. The corresponding improvement solutions for the problem in classic
      al subgraphy routing method from three aspects was provided and analyzed respect
      ively: the shared risk link groups(SRLG) restoration into the subgraph routing
      method; a routing principle into the subgraph routing method; the second fault
      restoration method based on the subgraph routing. Simulation results are showed
      from the point of view of effective utilization.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Research on Web Service Composition with Case-Based Reasoning
    • Ruixing Cheng, Sen Su, Fangchun Yang
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 43-47. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.43.chengrx
    • Abstract ( 2462 )     HTML       
    • An approach to service composition, which is based on Case-Based Reasoning is presented in order to resolve the problem of expression and accumulation of knowledge in the process of automatic service composition. The reusability and efficiency was improved thereafter. Case-Based Reasoning in the stage of service composition discovery is applied with this approach when moving the logic design of the existing service composition engine to Case-Based Reasoning system. Further more, the suitable mechanism of retrieving, revising, reusing and retaining is designed to establish all sorts of service composition logic sets for users and send them to the service execution engine to realize automatic service composition. Finally, related experiments and qualitative analysis results indicate that the approach based on Case-Based Reasoning can reduce the cost of service composition and improve success rate and service composition efficiency under the certain condition.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Survey on Three Dimensional Localization Schemes Based on Sphere Intersections in Wireless Sensor Network
    • Lü Liangbin 1, Cao Yang 1,2, Gao Xun 1, Luo Hui 1
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 48-51. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.48.182
    • Abstract ( 2739 )     HTML       
    • To apply wireless sensor networks to stereoscopic environments such as outer-space and deep oceans, three dimensional localizations are required. Approximate Point in Sphere (APIS) arithmetic based on calculating intersections of spheres was brought forward. Both principles and practice of APIS were discussed. APIS-based algorithm was then simulated with Visual C. Results indicate in the space of 100*100*100 with 55 randomly scattered anchor nodes, locations of 98% of nodes could be calculated. The average errors in relative remain as small as 60%. In conclusion, APIS algorithm is an effective approach to determine the locations of nodes of a sensor network in 3d space.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Design and implementation of Service Assurance model
    • ZHANG Jian-lei 1,2,LI Zeng-zhi 1
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 56-60. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.56.181
    • Abstract ( 1946 )     HTML       
    • For the complexity and variability of customer retention and loyalty management, how to build a well-structured service assurance model is a practical problem. the customer classification is introduced for the analyze quality of service (QoS) requirements of possible service level agreement (SLA) cases. A processing model for data flow and for promotion of convergence on stable, reusable flow solutions, when using process elements is built. Finally, an example of the telecommunication service assurance model based on the unified product catalog is represented.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Research on Mobile Services Support Platform
    • ZHAN Shu-bo 1,YI Wen-qiang 2
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 61-65. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.61.183
    • Abstract ( 2294 )     HTML       
    • Some technical issues are discussed on mobile value-added services development. In order to resolve these problems, based on research on Java 2 micro edition (J2ME) and related Java specification requests (JSRs), a prototype system of mobile services support platform (MSSP) is presented and designed hierarchically. An example of geography information system (GIS) service based on synchronous browse is given.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • The research of security mechanism in distributing network management system based on Web Service
    • LIU Kai,LI Hong Hui, CHEN Xu Dong
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 66-68. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.66.liuk
    • Abstract ( 2790 )     HTML       
    • Application of Web service in distributing network manage system is introduced. WS-security(web service security),as a new criterion of Web service’s security it is introduced too. Involving communication layer and message layer, a security mechanism is designed. In this mechanism, HTTP basic authorization and SSL (secure socket layer) are used in communication layer to ensure security. XML encryption, XML signature and authorization technology are adopted to support the message layer. This security mechanism could satisfied all needs a network management system requests on security, such as authorization and verification, confidentiality, integrity and security log.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • An Integrated Analysis on the Performance of the Logical Relation State Indicators
    • WANG Feng, LI Wen-jing, QIU Xue-song
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 69-73. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.69.wangf
    • Abstract ( 2521 )     HTML       
    • An integrated analysis method is presented for performance state indicators with logical relation to the performance analysis objective. By this method, the normalization functions and the judge-computing functions can be constructed according to the judging conditions of the performance state indicators and the logical relation between the judging conditions. The measurement value of performance state indicators can be normalized and computed when using the normalization functions and the judge-computing functions. The results of the experiment indicate that a continuous numerical analysis result integrates the variation of the performance state indicators, and can be gained according to the integrated analysis method, and also can be used for further statistic analysis and trend prediction.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Parallel SPRT Acquisition of PN Sequences for DSSS System
    • WU Ming-li, ZHAO Bao-hua, QU Yu-gui, LIU Gui-ying
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 74-76. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.74.wuml
    • Abstract ( 2181 )     HTML       
    • In the acquisition ways of the direct sequence spread spectrum code, sequence probability ratio test(SPRT) acquisition is a better way, acquisition time reduced 2 to 10 times compared with correlation acquisition. For faster acquiring PN(pseudo noise) code, a new acquisition structure-parallel SPRT acquisition is brought forward, namely parallel SPRT acquisition. It will improve the acquisition speed bigger if the hardware scale is appropriately added, and acquire the relation of acquisition time and parameters.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A Model of Network Software based on Web-Services
    • SHEN Subin
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 82-85. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.82.shensb
    • Abstract ( 1941 )     HTML       
    • In the process of developing network software systems, the issues of Distributed processing, application coordination and integration are always very hard to cope with. A model of network software based on Web-Services technical framework is proposed. It defines a Software Development Model for Local System (LS-SDM), which can support protocols and specifications of Web Services. A Software Development Model for Network System is constructed by associating LS-SDMs with protocols and specifications of Web Services. The existing techniques of Web-Services can be used to cope with the issues of distributed processing, applications coordination and integration.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A SLA Parameter Definition Method and Application
    • ZHANG Yi-kui, QIU Xue-song, MENG Luo-ming
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 86-89. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.86.zhangyk
    • Abstract ( 2291 )     HTML       
    • Definition of SLA parameter is core content for development of SLA template. In the multi-provider environment development of a new service need to define different layers SLA. Currently a general SLA parameter definition method supporting development of SLA template is absent. based on current requirements and problems, A general SLA parameter definition method is presented, the problem on simultaneously defining different layers SLA parameters of the service is systematically solved and the method has been applied in the design and implementation of a prototype.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A Dynamic Tree Structure of Wireless Sensor Networks
    • LIN Zhi-ting, QU Yu-gui, BAI Rong-gang, ZHAO Bao-hua
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 90-93. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.90.linzht
    • Abstract ( 2681 )     HTML       
    • Consisting nodes with limited battery power and wireless communication, sensor webs are deployed to collect useful information from a variety of environments. A new dynamic tree (D-tree) structure protocol based on the clustering protocol was proposed. It has significant impact on the overall energy depletion of the network. In D-tree protocol, most of the nodes communicate only with a close neighbor and incorporate data to reduce the amount of information to transmit to the cluster headers (CH). What should be emphasized is that the data generated by nodes won’t pass through the same route. They search for their multi-hop routing dynamically. The sensor nodes elect the CHs at regular intervals. Simulations show that D-tree can achieve a considerable reduction in energy dissipation compared with conventional routing protocols.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Research of Load Balancing for Integrated Service Platfo #br# rm
    • XU Meng, MENG Xiang-wu, CHEN Jun-liang, MEI Xiang
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 94-97. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.94.xum
    • Abstract ( 2535 )     HTML       
    • In order to ensure integrated service platform(ISP) to be stable, reliable and r
      ealtime, the load balancing of ISP is researched and then a new load balancing
      algorithm customized algorithm(CA) is proposed. By setting different parameters
      according to workloads of telecomm valueadded services, the algorithm can res
      pond to the variety of services workload and adjust server’s receiving weight va
      lues rapidly. The experimental results indicate that CA allows ISP to reduce the
      services’ average response time. Furthermore, the load balancing mechanism is i
      mplemented on the based of multilevel Java management extension(JMX) architect
      ure, which realizes distributed management and allows servers to be added or rem
      oved on line flexibly.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A New Dynamic QoS Multicast Routing Heuristic Algorithm
    • Gao Ling-ling, Li Wei-sheng
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 98-101. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.98.gaoll
    • Abstract ( 2551 )     HTML       
    • A new algorithm for dynamic delay-constrained multicast routing directed at ensuring real time requirement of multicast tree and for efficiency of network resource using is proposed. The algorithm takes into account of the influence of path delay to tree cost and makes use of the method finding the k shortest paths and the function of selecting path to create multicast tree. When the delay constraint is satisfied, the algorithm will get the low cost tree quickly and can update multicast tree based on adding/deleting requirements of nodes. A large number of simulations demonstrate that the algorithm has nice cost performance and can satisfy the real time requirement of network.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • An Improved Stratified Flood Algorithm for Web Services Composition
    • LIN Xiu-qin, ZHANG Dong-mei
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 102-106. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.102.linxq
    • Abstract ( 2493 )     HTML       
    • An automatic method for Web service compositio
      n is proposed to optimize the basic stratified flood algorithm by user intention
      and reasoning ability of Web service, the shortest sequence of Web service is c
      reated and optimized by the heuristic algorithm. The sequence is backdated to th
      e specified known conditions from user intention and a simpler shortest sequence
      is produced by further heuristic optimization. It is proved by the mathematical
      proof and the experiment results that the algorithm produces a better Web servi
      ce composition with lower time complexity.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Analysis of Security Routing Protocol #br# for Wireless Sensor Networks #br#
    • Hu Wenji,Xu Mingwei
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 107-111. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.107.huwj
    • Abstract ( 2627 )     HTML       
    • As a key element in secure wireless sensor networks, routing protocol security constitutes a potential block to impending wide deployment of Wireless sensor networks. Due to its network peculiarities, designing security routing protocol is a challenge in these networks. Various attacks against wireless sensor network routing protocols was listed, and security routing issues were analyzed from two aspects: requirement analysis and current research status, meanwhile, the propositional design considerations and possible directions were presented for future research.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A Novel Modeling Methodology of Management Information Based on SID
    • GAO Zhi-peng,QIU Xue-song,RUI Lan-lan
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 112-115. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.112.gaozhp
    • Abstract ( 2408 )     HTML       
    • A new modeling methodology of management information based on SID (shared information/data) is given with the analysis of SID model. NM3IS (novel modeling methodology of management information based on SID)partitions the data of network in three dimensions, divides the mode-ling process into three sub-processes:data abstract, model expression and relation mining. The methodology describes the information model for management from different granularity by the conception of dimension, domain, Top-class and sub-class. NM3IS can be used in different dedicated networks. It is technology neutral, and has the consistent format of information/data. It is proved by experiment and practice that NM3IS will be useful to guide the modeling of management information, share the information/data in different dedicated networks
      , and implement the integrated network management system for multi-technology network.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Concept Model of the Security Service Platform for Opening Service Capability in NGN
    • ZOU Hua,YANG Fang-chun
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 121-125. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.121.zouh
    • Abstract ( 2482 )     HTML       
    • A concept model of the security service platform is put forward which is used to support the service capability opening in next generation network(NGN). Based on the model, a number of key issues are discussed, such as the security services provided in security service layer, the object model of security service components in distributed function layer and the functional entities in distributed function layer. Furthermore, two kinds of architectures of the security service platform are provided based on the transverse and vertical security service models individually.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Data Auditing and Checking for Telecoms Carrier Business Process
    • ZHANG Lei1,XIAO Ding1,AI Bo2
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 126-129. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.126.187
    • Abstract ( 2700 )     HTML       
    • Data auditing and consistency checking is a main task in telecom revenue assurance process. Based on the data flow chart of business process, when analyzing the data characteristics, an approach for data auditing and consistency checking is proposed. The rules for checking data integrity, consistency and data balance relationships are defined and designed. Practice proves that this data qualification and assurance method enables the Telecom Carrier to discover the problems due to the informal business process.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • An Optimizing Structure for QoS Management in Mobile IPv6
    • QU Zhao-wei 1, ZHENG Yan 2, LU Tingjie 3
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 135-139. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.135.185
    • Abstract ( 2602 )     HTML       
    • In order to improve the efficiency of quality of service(QoS) management for the next generation Internet, mobile agents flat structure (MAFS) based on MPLS and mobile agents, used QoS object option(QOO) and flat management theory, enhanced the management mechanism of QoS, is proposed for mobile IPv6. In this scheme, MAFS reduces the layers and the number of mobile Agents、the costs and the transmitting time of signal, enhances the efficiency and flexibility when handoff occurs frequently, provides more efficient QoS management comparing with HMAT.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Investigation on Interface Compatibility of SessionOri #br# ent EService
    • ZHANG Wen-tao,PENG Yong,CHEN Jun-liang
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 140-143. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.140.zhangwt
    • Abstract ( 2364 )     HTML       
    • Formalism is proposed to model the behavior in
      terface of sessionoriented EService, along with the interface compatibility
      check upon this formalism to provide type system of service interaction as well
      as designtime verification of service composition. The method adopts the optim
      istic approach. An improvement is resulted to ensure both peers satisfy session
      integrated (deadlock free), it requires each peer ends in final states or can
      continue. The detailed algorithm of interface compatibility named is presented i
      n the last.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Research on Management Architecture onIP TV Based on M #br# ultiple QoS Mechanism
    • ZHANG Jin-yu1,LIU Li2
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 144-148. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.144.186
    • Abstract ( 2661 )     HTML       
    • In order to met the access bandwidth requireme
      nt, high I/O (input/output)speed requirement and QoS(quantity of service) tr
      ansport requirement faced by IP TV(Internet protocol television), multiple QoS
      technologies such as bandwidth saving, traffic engineering, access control, QoS
      transport, are integrated in our architecture and adapted in a unanimous manner
      according to the QoS requirement of user application. Simulation result verifie
      s that it can provide QoS to user service application in different parallel user
      number and dynamical traffic environment.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Research on IN CS2 Call Party Handling and Implementa #br# tion of Related Service
    • ZHU Jun-han,ZHAN Shu-bo
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 154-157. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.154.zhujh
    • Abstract ( 1800 )     HTML       
    • The CPH(call party handling)proposed in ITU
      T(international telecommunication union telecommunication standardization s
      ector) recommendation for IN(intelligent network) capability set 2 enables IN
      to influence twoparty or multiparty calls,The method and model defined in C
      S2(capability set 2) are analyzed in detail,some issues about CPH applicatio
      ns in the current network are discussed. A solution to CPH is proposed. And a m
      ultiparty call sample is carried out in this way. The result shows that this s
      olution can save system resource and improve agility of service,and it is a user
      ful method in practice.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • The Routing Algorithm Based on Network Availability in Transmission Network
    • XIONG Ao
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 168-172. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.168.176
    • Abstract ( 2173 )     HTML       
    • The advantages and disadvantages of the common four circuit routing algorithms were analyzed in details based on the methods of topologic, and thus the relationship between the routing algorithm and the availability of the links was described quantitatively. Then the relationship between the availability of the links, the transmission network structure as well as the bearing services, were given. A quantified formula to calculate the availability index of the links was presented. On the foundation of the availability index, a new routing algorithm was finally presented. The validity of the algorithm is verified through an example.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Study on Event Splitting and Rounding in the Integrating Services Billing System
    • ZHANG Shu-dong 1,WU Zhi-mei 1,LV Hui-ying 2,HAN Hong-quan 1,LIU Jing-jing 3
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 173-176. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.173.177
    • Abstract ( 2161 )     HTML       
    • Billing system is one of the most important parts of the next generation network. It provides integrated services for consumers, including data services, voice services and video services. Event splitting and rounding is an important problem of billing system to support flexible rate policy. A common billing system architecture and a new spitting and rounding algorithm are proposed. The implementation of billing system for integrated services network is introduced based on the common billing system architecture. The spitting and rounding algorithm are embedded.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A SLABased SOA Service Management Flow
    • ZHANG Nan,QIU Xue-song,MENG Luo-ming
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 177-179. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.177.zhangn
    • Abstract ( 2224 )     HTML       
    • An extended architecture with additional infor mation and roles of service-oriented architecture (SOA) based on service level agreement (SLA) is provided.

      The main and appended roles in the extended architecture of SOA are described

      when considering from business perspective. Based on the business relationship between

      the business roles, the implementation of closed loop service management flow with feedback

      mechanism using prepared and customized services is discussed.

    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A GridEnabled Open Service Supporting Environment in N GN
    • LI Li,YANG Fang-chun
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 180-184. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.180.lil
    • Abstract ( 2213 )     HTML       
    • An open service supporting environment in next generation network (NGN) enabled by grid technology is proposed. To solve the service opening problem in NGN, the service in NGN is wrapped into the grid service. And a service opening model and a service interaction model are defined in the service supporting environment. To solve the procession capability bottleneck problem with the traditional application server in NGN, a gridbased job scheduling method is proposed in this environment by leveraging the resources in the network.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • A Module for Managing and Provisioning Mobile Services Based on Grid
    • ZHANG Xiao-qiang,YANG Fang-chun
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 189-193. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.189.188
    • Abstract ( 2460 )     HTML       
    • The limitations of the current mobile device capabilities are analyzed followed with the description of a new proposed module for managing and provisioning mobile service based on grid-enabled and resource-limited devices. By taking advantages of grid computing and ubiquitous computing, mobile computing is integrated with OGSA(open grid service architecture )to manage the network server resources and resourcelimited mobile terminal dynamically and intelligently. It provides a mobile service managing and provisioning module that is QoS(quality of service)-ensured, peer-to-peer and transparent to users, which results in more extensibility and more powerful capability of service integration than the module for managing and provisioning traditional terminal-centric mobile service.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Mapping Rules of DW Metadata Exchange Based on MDA
    • WANG Yue,ZHANG Yanmei
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 198-202. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.198.wangy
    • Abstract ( 2148 )     HTML       
    • CWM(common warehouse metamodel) meta model is independent of any platform and products. Data warehouse tools are specific. Basing on the principles of MDA(model driven architecture) model transformation, CWM represents PIM(platform independent model), dw tools presents PSM(platform specific model), the mapping rules from PSM to PIM are set up, transformation ru
      les from PIM to PSM are defined, metadata exchange between different tools is realized. According to above-mentioned, specific transformation rules are defined to implement the mapping between PowerMart.dtd (ETL(extract transform load) tool of informatica company) entity elements and CWM ones. And according to the semantics, the mapping is described formally so as to provide a solution for metadata interchange in the field of data warehouse.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles
    • Exploration on the Traffic Incident Management Based on Computer Vision in ATMS
    • YUN Guo-lian,CHEN Qi-mei,LI Bo
    • Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2006, 29(s1): 207-211. DOI:10.13190/jbupt.2006s1.207.yungl
    • Abstract ( 2077 )     HTML       
    • According to the requirements of traffic management system in the highway, designs an advanced traffic management system (ATMS), which complete the integrated management of service and incident. In addition to describing of the description and realization of software modules. Analyze and realize the traffic incident management system based on computer vision technique in detail, a number of video methods have been proposed for video processing which include ROI(region of interest)detection, object detection, vehicle tracking and classification and so on. The system assigns the reasonable traffic stream in the sections of highway employing the real-time dynamic traffic assignment system based upon the CORBA(common object request broker architecture) algorithm for providing the real-time and correct information to the different terminal users, such as administrator and traveler.
    • References | Supplementary Material | Related Articles